Master's Degrees

Master's Degree in Project Management

Learn To Lead

Prepare to solve real-world management problems with a Master’s in Project Management (MPM) from our Keller Graduate School of Management here at DeVry University. Learn to apply core project management concepts in planning and budgeting and advance your skills in project leadership. Whether you choose to complete your Master’s in Project Management online or in a hybrid format,our program will help amplify your skillset and take your knowledge to a new level.

Get To Know Our Master’s in Project Management

Our Master’s in Project Management program builds on your previous coursework and explores concepts around organizing, implementing and controlling business activities. With support from our experienced faculty, you’ll learn to master planning, budgeting and controlling multi-project programs that involve legal and ethical issues, conflict resolution and application of project software.

Complimentary PMI® Student Membership

To support you along your professional development journey, students enrolled in select courses receive a complimentary PMI (Project Management Institute) student membership. You can use this membership to:

  • Download a free PMBOK®Guide and other PMI resources

  • Access project management templates and tools

  • Receive discounts on certification exam fees and more

A complimentary PMI® student membership is provided to students enrolled in PROJ585, PROJ586, PROJ592, PROJ595, PROJ598, PROJ601.

Classes start on May 5, 2025

Course Waivers at Keller

Master’s Advantage

Put your degree to work sooner!

fewer courses
fewer months
Up to
Are you eligible?

If you’ve earned an undergraduate degree in business or technology, you may be eligible to waive up to 3 courses (or 9 credit hours). We call this our Master’s Advantage. With prior learning credits, you can take fewer courses and put your master’s degree to work for you even sooner.

Accelerated Schedule *
12 months
Average 10 credits per semester
2 years
2 months
Average 6 credits per semester


Choose the schedule that best fits your goals and commitments. With at least 9 credit hours of qualifying Prior Learning Credit and an accelerated schedule, you can earn your Master's Degree in as few as 12 months.*

Or, follow a normal schedule and complete your program in 2 years and 2 months.**

*Accelerated time to complete requires at least 9 credit hours of Prior Learning Credit. Per 12-month period, assumes completion of 3 semesters, enrollment in an average of 10 credit hours per semester and continuous, full-time year-round enrollment with no breaks.
**Assumes continuous year-round enrollment for 7 semesters and an average of 6 credit hours per semester and that students remain on a normal schedule throughout their program.

Knowledge & Skills

What You'll Learn

Our Master’s in Project Management program covers the following:

  • Advanced Understanding of PM
    Model an advanced, integrated and applied understanding of project management as a discipline.
  • Innovative Solutions Development
    Demonstrate the skills required to scope and solve complex problems and develop innovative solutions that minimize risks and optimize impacts for both projects and programs.
  • Management of Complex Activities
    Manage complex and technical activities within both predictable and unpredictable environments by integrating knowledge and solutions from practitioner and academic viewpoints.
  • Leadership Skills
    Apply leadership skills to promote a positive environment, motivate team members and deliver a sustained competitive advantage.

Accreditation and Recognition Matter

DeVry is accredited by The Higher Learning Commission (HLC), Our Keller Graduate School of Management is included in this accreditation.


Our Master's Degree in Project Management is accredited2 by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)


Student Achievement

Our Master’s in Project Management is also accredited3 by the PMI Global Accreditation Center for Project Management Education Programs (GAC)

Embedded Programs

Embedded Programs - Demonstrate Skills at Every Step

Want to earn a graduate certificate on the way to your Master’s in Project Management? With our uniquely designed two-in-one program, you can now earn an additional credential. Every course in our Project Management Graduate Certificate program is embedded within our Project Management Master’s Degree program, allowing you to earn your graduate certificate once you’ve successfully completed the required coursework.4

**The figures displayed represent the minimum credit hours required for graduation. Additional coursework may be necessary to complete program requirements.

Credit Hours**
Graduate Certificate
Credit Hours**

Career Opportunities with a Project Management Degree

Graduates of our Master’s in Project Management degree program may consider career fields such as:
  • Project Manager

  • Project Specialist

  • Operations and Supply Chain Manager


FAQs: Master’s Degree in Project Management

What can I do with a Master's in Project Management?

Project management roles exist in a broad variety of industries, including healthcare, construction, software development, finance and more. By earning a Master’s in Project Management, you are preparing to pursue a variety of project management careers in intermediate to advanced-level roles.

Your master’s degree and the project management skills it can expose you to, combined with on-the-job experience, can help you prepare to pursue opportunities in project management that include roles like project team lead, business analyst, project manager or program manager.

What does a project manager do?

The project manager, or PM, is often responsible for multiple aspects of complex projects, requiring them to be excellent multi-taskers, communicators and delegators with can-do attitudes. In fact, a better way to answer the question, “What does a project manager do?” might be to consider what they don’t do.

Their wide-ranging duties often involve scheduling, managing teams of in-house or freelance personnel or vendors, managing budgets, delegating tasks, quality management, resource management and procurement and communicating with clients or internal stakeholders as they strive to deliver the desired result within budget and deadline.

Can I earn my Master’s in Project Management online?

Yes, you certainly can. Like many of our graduate degree programs, you can earn your Master’s in Project Management 100% online, or in a hybrid format1 that combines online courses with an in-person classroom experience.

Will a Master's in Project Management help prepare me for the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification exam?

Yes. As a training partner of the Project Management Institute (PMI), we offer project management exam preparation course PROJ605, which enables students to meet the education requirements for PMI’s Project Management Professional (PMP) professional certification exam.

How much does it cost to earn your Master’s in Project Management?

The final cost of your master’s program, including tuition, fees and expenses, is influenced by several factors. These include tuition rates, course waivers,5 applicable transfer credits from another educational institution, or qualification for a scholarship, grant or group pricing program.6 Complete financial information can be found in our Keller Academic Catalog.

How long does a Master's in Project Management take?

Consistent with our commitment to making education fit your schedule, you can influence how long it takes to earn your degree. At an accelerated pace, you can earn your Master’s in Project Management in as little as 12 months.* Or, following a more conventional schedule with fewer credit hours per session, you can complete the 39 credit hours of this graduate program in 2 years and 2 months.**

*Accelerated time to complete requires at least 9 credit hours of Prior Learning Credit. Per 12-month period, assumes completion of 3 semesters, enrollment in an average of 10 credit hours per semester, and continuous, full-time year-round enrollment with no breaks.
**Assumes continuous year-round enrollment for 7 semesters and an average of 6 credit hours per semester, and that students remain on a normal schedule throughout their program.

What is the expected job growth for project managers?

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects employment of project management specialists to grow 7% from 2023 to 2033. The BLS further projects about 77,000 openings for project management specialists each year, on average, over this period.10

This growth is projected on a national level and local growth will vary by location. This projection is not specific to DeVry University graduates and may include earners at all stages of their careers.

The BLS further notes demand for project management specialists is expected to be strong in computer systems design services, where more of these professionals will be needed to manage the growing volume and complexity of IT projects required to support expanded telework.

Academic Catalog
2023 - 2024 Academic Catalog
Program Guides
Program Overview
Capstone Project

Related Programs

*Accelerated time to complete requires at least 9 credit hours of Prior Learning Credit. Per 12-month period, assumes completion of 3 semesters, enrollment in an average of 10 credit hours per semester and continuous, full-time year-round enrollment with no breaks.
**Assumes continuous year-round enrollment for 7 semesters and an average of 6 credit hours per semester, and that students remain on a normal schedule throughout their program.
1Program, course, and extended classroom availability vary by location. In site-based programs, students will be required to take a substantial amount of coursework online to complete their program.
2Enrollment and Graduation Data - GAC Student Achievement Results - Available for all of DeVry and Keller's GAC accredited programs.
GAC logo is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
3Student Achievement At-a-Glance - Available for all of DeVry and Keller's ACBSP accredited programs. For a full list of DeVry University's business and accounting degree programs accredited by ACBSP, please see the Accreditation page.
4Future programmatic changes could impact the ability to earn additional credentials en route to an eligible degree program. Refer to the academic catalog for details.
5Students may be eligible to waive up to three courses (nine credit hours) upon review of their undergraduate degree. Course waiver availability varies by location. For more information, please refer to the Course Waiver section of the Keller academic catalog
6Students may participate in only one DeVry University-based scholarship, grant or group tuition benefit program at a time. Those who qualify for more than one program will be presumed to accept the program with the highest reduction in by-session cost. Students who qualify for and prefer a different tuition benefit program must confirm, in writing, the alternate program in which they wish to participate prior to starting classes at DeVry. Scholarship and grant terms and eligibility conditions are subject to change. Scholarships are available to those who apply and qualify. Visit our Scholarships page for more information.
10Growth projected on a national level. Local growth will vary by location. BLS projections are not specific to DeVry University students or graduates and may include earners at all stages of their career and not just entry level.